
Our Characters
Cellar Rat
On the far side of middle-aged, Cellar Rat has lived his whole life in wine country
and never dreamt of doing anything but working in a winery. He is Joe's right hand in the cellar and is
irreplaceable from crush through bottling. Often moody and with definite opinions on how things should be
done, he had a hard time finding just the right working environment until beginning work at Gambaro Winery.
Joe's patient approach to life and those that share it with him made this a perfect match for the hard
working but strong willed Cellar Rat. Now after ten years at Gambaro, he knows more about what is where
and how it got there than anyone in the winery, including Joe. The only problem is that he has a mortal
fear of dark places and spiders, making life in a wine cellar, especially one that is over 100 years old,
a little challenging for the irascible Rat.
Mr. Mega Mart
The chief buyer for a major chain of stores that carry less than fine wines, Mr. Mart
(as he is known in wine country) never lets scruples stand in the way of what he considers a fair profit.
Never actually doing anything illegal, you would never enter a verbal contract with this man. He has a way
of looking at friends as just another business opportunity. What is making the wineries nervous is that of
late he has been seen hovering in the area with increasing frequency. He cant be up to anything that is
good for wine country, of that you can be sure.
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