
Mariposa & Tuolumne County
Tuolumne and Mariposa are the two least populated counties in the Sierra Foothill AVA as well as
being the two furthest South. These regions share much of the same Gold Rush history as their
neighbors to the north as well as the rich wine history that went along with the immigrants that made
this area home in the 1800s. Although this area shares the warm days and cool nights of the
northern wine regions, it is more likely to be known for its relationship to Yosemite than its fine
This area shares the potential for fine wine production, and there are a number of
vineyards producing excellent grapes, but there are only 7 wineries and tasting rooms between the two counties.
Click one of the links below to access information on the wineries or interactive
maps for Tuolumne and Mariposa Counties.
Winery Links and Informational Pages:
Interactive Winery Maps:
The Gold Rush came to this end of the Sierra Foothills soon after it came to the rest of the area
and with it came a mix of immigrants from around the world. The influx of immigrants from
many European countries, as in the other foothill counties, created a market for the wine, beer and
spirits they missed from their homelands. Many entrepreneurs who originally came for the gold
saw this as an opportunity to use their grape growing and wine making skills and the industry
flourished. However, as gold fever panned out and the miners moved on, the market dried up
and the industry in the entire foothill region almost completely died out.
Mariposa was home to the original Spanish land grant given to John C. Fremont. One of the largest
mountains in the area, Mt. Bullion, is named after his wife’s father. Once California was
no longer under Spanish control Fremont’s battle to keep his land and mineral rights helped write
the California mining laws that we still live with today. He even went so far as building his own fort
to protect his land from what he considered claim jumpers.
Continued ... |
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